
Bottom-to-top stack

STACKS & CULLS - chapter 3, page 261

When asked about the easiest faro-based table stack, I always suggest the bottom-to-top stack. Here the slug starts on the bottom with a few x-cards lowermost to avoid the necessity of starting with a perfect faro; you can still be off one or two cards on either half and still get the desired result. I'm using a corner crimp and presenting the sequence as a stunt/demonstration. Carry the bottom slug during the first two riffles, base strip, faro the halves, and cut to the crimp. The pre-faro stack is CxAxAxAxAxxx where C= crimped card. Note the shadowing of the bottom slug along with a base-strip. Also note, I've added a riffling action to the faro. This is the more difficult variant, but the basic variant as described in GSOH will suffice.